Standing and outdoors

In a wonderful 3 minute video, ASAP Science illustrates he importance of going outdoor from time to time. It isn’t ground breaking or revolutionary. Simple things are always simple. We all know the importance of exercise – doing it is a different matter.

The second covers a topic close to my heart – sitting. We spend too much time sitting and it’s harmful for our health. I spent many hours one weekend hacking together a standing desk at home in London 1 year or so back. Now that I’ve moved back to Singapore, I’ve realized how much I miss it. I tried checking in at the Ikea here for it and it was an exasperating experience. No one understood what a standing desk was and they were extremely unhelpful with hacking anything together. It was late in the night, I was low on willpower, and I just got myself a normal sitting desk.

A standing desk is unquestionably good for us. Why, then, is it so hard to find? And how can we fix it?

For now, I just hope every one of you will take this idea with you when you go furniture shopping next and make it a point to ask the manager of the store about a standing desk. Perhaps we’ll make a dent in the system soon enough..