
I’ve been learning a thing or two about dependability observing Seth Godin’s and Fred Wilson’s blogs.

Not only do they blog every day, but they blog at a certain time every day.

Godin puts in his post by about 6am New York and Fred typically has his done by 730am.

As a result, I am never disappointed when I open my Google Reader around 1130am here. Their posts are always there. There is the occasional switch when they travel but, for the most part, there is an unerring dependability.

And I realize that that’s pretty critical for a community hangout place. Imagine showing up at your daily bar/coffee shop to find out it is closed. That wouldn’t work so well, would it?

Dependability matters.

I was writing the other day to framily (more on this to follow…) and I found myself remembering the quote –

‘Often we spend all our time thinking how we can change situations instead of letting them change us.’

Engaging with the best-in-class bloggers has truly had an incredible effect on me. And I’m beginning to see, finally, the simple things they do that enables them to build and sustain a following. And that following matters for their own learning experience as well. This is most applicable in Fred’s case. Because, in Fred’s blog, a big part of the attraction is that the comments are often better than the post. Engaging there is engaging with a living, breathing community who love the dialogue and debate.

I’ve already felt the power in a couple of posts here (examples here and here) where the comments have been much better than the post itself. Imagine what it would be to have 500 regulars at this coffee shop sharing their own incredible transformative experiences and every day learnings. How inspiring would be that be! ‘Inspiration delivered’ could well become the new tag line once that begins to happen. :-)

Keeping a post a day has taken a lot of discipline learning over time. By now, I’m confident of my ability to show up every day. Regularity, as a result, exists. But consistent regularity doesn’t. Not yet, at least.

Those two words are probably the key.

Not yet.

We’ll get there.